好久好久没光顾了!在忙吗?好像还好,但就是没有那种mood 和feel 去写!
今天,证实了某些是 所以有感而发...
这好像是自己第一次尝试失败的感觉,虽然不是很大的打击 但还是有点失落感!
人往往要在尝试以后才会醒悟、了解。一直以来,这件事对我而言 或许只是人生成长旅途中必经历的一个转变 而我也用了再平常不过的心态来看待与面对。也许是自己想的太简单、单纯 其实,它很快就会离你而去 不得抱怨,因为你根本没把它当成一回事!
虽然心不是很痛 但却有种莫名的失落感,很不是滋味!感觉自己像是打了场败战,到头来一无所有!人,就是这样 拥有时 从来不珍惜;一旦失去了 后悔已太迟了!
无论如何, 生活依然要过 而且要过得更好!所以,往事不堪回首 过去 就潇洒地让它离去吧!放眼望前 也许会有不错的收获哦!加油吧!
p/s 年终考屈指一数还剩 2天,而我 依然没有行动! 疯狂的尝试 但愿不会有太大的落差!主 祝我也!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Friday, October 2, 2009
无论如何 还是祈祷能有一轮清辉明月供大家赏吧!在异乡的你,思念了吗?
屈指一数,大概从离乡到外念书至今,应该有四年没和家人过中秋了吧!光阴真的不留人 过去的总比期待快!没有家人的中秋 并不算什么佳节了…
是寂寞的、孤独的 让它静悄悄地就过去了! 没有任何思念或不舍...
四年前的今天 青春依然存在, 大家还会兴致勃勃地提灯笼绕学院。现在回想起,那应该是段美好的回忆吧!爸妈会特地上来看我,买了月饼等食物 依依不舍。之后的每一年, 记忆中好像都没什么值得念念不忘的吧!
这四年来,感情依然空虚!分分合合 厌倦了!要到何时才能真正稳定下来呢?身边也发生了许许多多 不可思议的感情事、无法原谅的背叛 等……
随着岁月流逝,人人都在改变 变好了、恐怖了、阴险了, 种种的改变 而我呢?还是老样子吧!
自己的同学昨晚YM说:拜托,你的脸怎么一天到晚都那样凶啊?笑下会死哦!还建议说:put sweets on ur face to make it "Sweet"!! 答案是:无聊,我本来就长这样一副样啊!改不了的!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
思念, 依然陌生。
思念, 依然陌生。
Thursday, August 6, 2009
告别 ~~
留下的只有 一丝丝的快乐,幸福......
留下的只有 一丝丝的快乐,幸福......
Friday, July 24, 2009
一直很强的个性,更本无法面对失败。 “失败”、“没进步”,一切贬义的字眼,呈现在眼前时,是多么的碍眼, 那么的讨人厌,在我心里狠狠地击了一下......
其次,帮他时,你是否想过我会怎么想呢?所谓的“优待”,我怎么就得不到哦呢?Why?Why?Why? 同样的问题我还是会继续问,为什么?真得很不解,很想知道答案!
一直很强的个性,更本无法面对失败。 “失败”、“没进步”,一切贬义的字眼,呈现在眼前时,是多么的碍眼, 那么的讨人厌,在我心里狠狠地击了一下......
其次,帮他时,你是否想过我会怎么想呢?所谓的“优待”,我怎么就得不到哦呢?Why?Why?Why? 同样的问题我还是会继续问,为什么?真得很不解,很想知道答案!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
伪装 。改变 。面具~~
局外人一句:“你装起来,一定可以骗过不少人......” 深深听进耳里,嵌入心里,一阵剧痛。原来会呼吸的痛,也发生在冷血人生上哦!自己是那么的在意那句话......为什么呢?为何那么没自信呢?竟然会为了一个完全陌生的人一言,而怀疑自己??!!
好多次都在反省... 从前的自己有那么差吗?那么不想继续吗?还是这一切的一切只是个美丽的谎言?梦醒后,我依旧是从前的那个我,期望的改变,只是纸上谈兵,更本无法做到,完成!!
只能对自己说,算了吧,你流着的就是那样的血!! 这是定局,一个你无法更改的局面!只能默默接受,认了吧!我是一个带着面具生活的人!永远都是!!
局外人一句:“你装起来,一定可以骗过不少人......” 深深听进耳里,嵌入心里,一阵剧痛。原来会呼吸的痛,也发生在冷血人生上哦!自己是那么的在意那句话......为什么呢?为何那么没自信呢?竟然会为了一个完全陌生的人一言,而怀疑自己??!!
好多次都在反省... 从前的自己有那么差吗?那么不想继续吗?还是这一切的一切只是个美丽的谎言?梦醒后,我依旧是从前的那个我,期望的改变,只是纸上谈兵,更本无法做到,完成!!
只能对自己说,算了吧,你流着的就是那样的血!! 这是定局,一个你无法更改的局面!只能默默接受,认了吧!我是一个带着面具生活的人!永远都是!!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Shall I call @ contact her???
This question kept turning in my mind today.........izit a best way or the other way round?? I really wondering! Suddenly they mention her name which make me think of this person....someone that i had try to forget, try to erase from my memory yet when mention she seems just hiding deeply inside some place of my heart which I never wanted to explore it but it is just an 'eyewash'...I' m just lying myself all this while.......
Back to the topic....So...how?? should I ask for her help?I think we rather be like this than I step one foot forward...I can't even do it although another part of myself feel like is not a big deal after all this year..time passed for so long edy..Why m I letting myself suffering of thinking what should i do?Why are you all mention about her name? Who to blame? I don't know?I really confusing...
Better stop here before tears running down...As conclusion I better ask help from stranger than her....Final answer--> ????? (still no gut to decide ='( GosH........)
This question kept turning in my mind today.........izit a best way or the other way round?? I really wondering! Suddenly they mention her name which make me think of this person....someone that i had try to forget, try to erase from my memory yet when mention she seems just hiding deeply inside some place of my heart which I never wanted to explore it but it is just an 'eyewash'...I' m just lying myself all this while.......
Back to the topic....So...how?? should I ask for her help?I think we rather be like this than I step one foot forward...I can't even do it although another part of myself feel like is not a big deal after all this year..time passed for so long edy..Why m I letting myself suffering of thinking what should i do?Why are you all mention about her name? Who to blame? I don't know?I really confusing...
Better stop here before tears running down...As conclusion I better ask help from stranger than her....Final answer--> ????? (still no gut to decide ='( GosH........)
Monday, June 29, 2009
~~Phrase II pr@ctiCUm~~
This is my second time of practicum and this time the chosen school is even further than last sem....all bcz of the damn maktab made me moving outside and i'm totally broke now...Haiz....
Talk back to practicum...first day so ntg much to say cz the sch hvnt really fix a time table for me but mostly i'll take year 2 and 3 again for my major subj...Thought of getting level 2 for some different new experiences yet..FATE--like yong always said, gotta accept it..NASIB...hahhha =P
The school is not quite familiar for me since i had done my SBE there before...So, not much complaint..Just wish that everything can be go on smoothly as I wish, praying for...Recently not much feeling towards things and i'm not sure whether i should apologized for some ignoring....But it might not totally be my fault since I edy reach the limits sometime..(most often recently) I just feel like I change back to my own and seems like not that good for others who cnt cope v the real of me...Gotta wear back the mask maybe....anyway i dont really mind it....
Really not much things to say... (Cham, higher level og cold-blooded ^^)But i think when i start my teaching then i'll back to here again..hahhha....C soon...hope things bcm better....GAmbateh!!
Talk back to practicum...first day so ntg much to say cz the sch hvnt really fix a time table for me but mostly i'll take year 2 and 3 again for my major subj...Thought of getting level 2 for some different new experiences yet..FATE--like yong always said, gotta accept it..NASIB...hahhha =P
The school is not quite familiar for me since i had done my SBE there before...So, not much complaint..Just wish that everything can be go on smoothly as I wish, praying for...Recently not much feeling towards things and i'm not sure whether i should apologized for some ignoring....But it might not totally be my fault since I edy reach the limits sometime..(most often recently) I just feel like I change back to my own and seems like not that good for others who cnt cope v the real of me...Gotta wear back the mask maybe....anyway i dont really mind it....
Really not much things to say... (Cham, higher level og cold-blooded ^^)But i think when i start my teaching then i'll back to here again..hahhha....C soon...hope things bcm better....GAmbateh!!
Monday, June 22, 2009
HoLid@y saDness =_=
I just back from holiday and entering, adapting the new life in my new House here...
Well this whole holiday supposed to be a happy holiday as we had our own plan before holiday but things always not happened as what we planned!! So , whole holiday ntg is happy for me...H@iz....Sian!!
First day of holiday starting, boy met an accident which i never imagined this kinda of incident 'll happened on him since he is quite expert (Boy u noe...always fren v road)..The big news really make me frustrating and angry + sad!! sad not bcz he is injured but bcz of his fren....I cant imagine the time when i faced JX's parents+ family and from their face i really duno what should i do or express or comfort or saying anything?? apologize?? Damn!! the whole situation are cold, STALEMATE that make me embarassed, sorry and apologze..mY mind is blank at that moment although i seem really calm, cool....
Well the next of the holiday I'm staying there cnt go anywhere...kept burried myself in mountain household, disappear from other places except home!!!!!!! ArgHhhhhhhhhh!!!!! That's y i kept saying i hate u!! anyway i care for u too..That's y i stay in....
Now back to new sem....This sem oni 3 subj to cover but the critics is Practicum and the worse things are, the nearest sch now become farthest, and my GP'll be my BeLoveD lect!!! wHat a suck!!!
Smmore...we quarrel again!! dAmn I lost ctrl again...Low EQ...gotta train more!!!
Well this whole holiday supposed to be a happy holiday as we had our own plan before holiday but things always not happened as what we planned!! So , whole holiday ntg is happy for me...H@iz....Sian!!
First day of holiday starting, boy met an accident which i never imagined this kinda of incident 'll happened on him since he is quite expert (Boy u noe...always fren v road)..The big news really make me frustrating and angry + sad!! sad not bcz he is injured but bcz of his fren....I cant imagine the time when i faced JX's parents+ family and from their face i really duno what should i do or express or comfort or saying anything?? apologize?? Damn!! the whole situation are cold, STALEMATE that make me embarassed, sorry and apologze..mY mind is blank at that moment although i seem really calm, cool....
Well the next of the holiday I'm staying there cnt go anywhere...kept burried myself in mountain household, disappear from other places except home!!!!!!! ArgHhhhhhhhhh!!!!! That's y i kept saying i hate u!! anyway i care for u too..That's y i stay in....
Now back to new sem....This sem oni 3 subj to cover but the critics is Practicum and the worse things are, the nearest sch now become farthest, and my GP'll be my BeLoveD lect!!! wHat a suck!!!
Smmore...we quarrel again!! dAmn I lost ctrl again...Low EQ...gotta train more!!!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Farewell to Life (T_T)
Thought recently exam week nothing special will happened yet a sudden incident happen and it make me speechless...Beginning of this month i got the news that my grandmother had sent to hospital due to some slightly health problem. At first i thought that there's nothing serious since she is old and it is quite normal if she been in out the hospital due to health problem. Anyway days to days i get news that she seem bcm seriously and i still dun believe that a normal old lady would suddenly have serious sick although she did hv cancer b4 yet she is a person that had walk at the edge of death before and able to survive from it til now...She had such a strong-willed person i had seen before who able to break any prediction or forecast from any feng-shui master!!!
Well i even bet v mum that she will keep survive until i go bk for holiday later and so strongly blive that she able to get well..this is not just kinda of praying, blessing yet a kind of strong feeling everything will become normal back!!! I so trust myself and grandma as well...
However, things are not always happened as what we planned or what we assume, predict..sometimes, GOD did have His own plans and change out will....... I just tot and hope this is not going to happened!!!
It proves i was wrong!!! Yesterday around 1.30pm dad called me and told me this bad news that grandma just passed away afternoon around 12.30pm..
......I not deny that i not like her so much since she is kinda bias and never treat us good if compared to others, yet i can't admit that she is my grandmother, my kin, a person that make my life still able to go on now......and she is just..i have no reason to dislike her......So i really hope i can be there not with her last breath but at least last farewell......And things are not allowed here since I'm going to face my sem final exam that this can't be postpone or retake later...and i unable to go back even for her funeral...I feel damn sorry to grandmother and i dunno who to blame at all!!! Just kinda of feeling really not good!!!
All I can do here is feeling guilty, regretting, and hope that God hear my praying! I really feel please bcz at least i did seen her last time when she was hospitalized and so coincidence i went back that weekend. Since i seldom go back home so we rarely met v each other and great that i able to see her maybe once but at least i had...or else I'll feel regret for the whole of my life!!!
These few days my mood never been good!!
Well i even bet v mum that she will keep survive until i go bk for holiday later and so strongly blive that she able to get well..this is not just kinda of praying, blessing yet a kind of strong feeling everything will become normal back!!! I so trust myself and grandma as well...
However, things are not always happened as what we planned or what we assume, predict..sometimes, GOD did have His own plans and change out will....... I just tot and hope this is not going to happened!!!
It proves i was wrong!!! Yesterday around 1.30pm dad called me and told me this bad news that grandma just passed away afternoon around 12.30pm..
......I not deny that i not like her so much since she is kinda bias and never treat us good if compared to others, yet i can't admit that she is my grandmother, my kin, a person that make my life still able to go on now......and she is just..i have no reason to dislike her......So i really hope i can be there not with her last breath but at least last farewell......And things are not allowed here since I'm going to face my sem final exam that this can't be postpone or retake later...and i unable to go back even for her funeral...I feel damn sorry to grandmother and i dunno who to blame at all!!! Just kinda of feeling really not good!!!
All I can do here is feeling guilty, regretting, and hope that God hear my praying! I really feel please bcz at least i did seen her last time when she was hospitalized and so coincidence i went back that weekend. Since i seldom go back home so we rarely met v each other and great that i able to see her maybe once but at least i had...or else I'll feel regret for the whole of my life!!!
These few days my mood never been good!!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
eX@mM weeK.............
So now is my semester 5 final eXam week....
Well not much things happened so only talk bout the exam i think.....Errr...My exam.. for those who understand me well, my exam is kinda mess up most of the time since i never like to study and doing revision??!! Crap!!! So the consequences of being lazy is-----(1) facing failure (2) Being regret (3) Just cool down (hehhhe..there is me (^0^)) well if said I'm not scared, not care...all those things are just crap..words used to console, comfort urself for not being self-blaming..So, I'm worried, I'm scared, I'm...jusT wish myself could done better BUT if without effort then where am I going to get any results?? H@izzz.. Start study from the age of 7 unitl now yet I hvnt found or create any better ways to get OK result without doing any revision... So kinda no point here if continue being lazy =_=
anyway i stil not agree with those who always teach me study smart not study hard without poit... Anyone pls give me example or steps or any more description on Study Smart?? As i noe, aving tips or maybe the exact questions of exam paper are the ways those ppl "Study Smart"?? Is it so? I duno and maybe this is Malaysia's education, examination---no rules, no format---NOTHING but just a useless Gred letting ppl praise or maybe comment!! There is it...and that's y i always agree with the fact examination should be abolished!
I like this phrase that i get from someone shortout "等待雨........是伞的宿命 "
Oh p/s
forget to mention that i get my house for next semester.....Hope 7 of us who going to become housemate can get along with each other welll...looking forward next semester--life moving outside!!hehhhe <3
Well not much things happened so only talk bout the exam i think.....Errr...My exam.. for those who understand me well, my exam is kinda mess up most of the time since i never like to study and doing revision??!! Crap!!! So the consequences of being lazy is-----(1) facing failure (2) Being regret (3) Just cool down (hehhhe..there is me (^0^)) well if said I'm not scared, not care...all those things are just crap..words used to console, comfort urself for not being self-blaming..So, I'm worried, I'm scared, I'm...jusT wish myself could done better BUT if without effort then where am I going to get any results?? H@izzz.. Start study from the age of 7 unitl now yet I hvnt found or create any better ways to get OK result without doing any revision... So kinda no point here if continue being lazy =_=
anyway i stil not agree with those who always teach me study smart not study hard without poit... Anyone pls give me example or steps or any more description on Study Smart?? As i noe, aving tips or maybe the exact questions of exam paper are the ways those ppl "Study Smart"?? Is it so? I duno and maybe this is Malaysia's education, examination---no rules, no format---NOTHING but just a useless Gred letting ppl praise or maybe comment!! There is it...and that's y i always agree with the fact examination should be abolished!
I like this phrase that i get from someone shortout "等待雨........是伞的宿命 "
Oh p/s
forget to mention that i get my house for next semester.....Hope 7 of us who going to become housemate can get along with each other welll...looking forward next semester--life moving outside!!hehhhe <3
Friday, May 8, 2009
NothiNg Speci@L (@_@)
Nothing special happens these few days...Maybe bcz of final exam cmmin soon so everyone busy preparing.....As for me...well honestly i think of start preparing too....at least i have the thought dy..(a good starting =P) anyway that is jz a thought without any actions yet.....Gosh...Hw m I going to cover all the topics and subj??? How can I stil be damn relaxing?? HopElessss........ Ok stop the topic of exam here....lazy wanna talk bout it.....Jz wishing everyone Good Luck....
One more thing to mention here is...I actually met someone through fb couple days ago....someone that I......(admire gua??!! not sure) since primary and I really have different feeling towards him if compared to other people....... wel...is hard to explain by words but is great and happy to hear from him again although he might not recognise or remember me anymore..and I'm not going to say ''Hi" to him also...kinda wired i think....anyway he 'll always be my special person in my life ^_^ and i suddenly realised that ppl around me all become better, improving and i 'm the only one walking backward with a future not i dreamed for......
One more thing to mention here is...I actually met someone through fb couple days ago....someone that I......(admire gua??!! not sure) since primary and I really have different feeling towards him if compared to other people....... wel...is hard to explain by words but is great and happy to hear from him again although he might not recognise or remember me anymore..and I'm not going to say ''Hi" to him also...kinda wired i think....anyway he 'll always be my special person in my life ^_^ and i suddenly realised that ppl around me all become better, improving and i 'm the only one walking backward with a future not i dreamed for......
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
h@ppinEss seLdom lasT longgg...
Jz think that all our problem, trouble of searching new house for next sem have settle and can start focus on doing revision for cmmin final exam........YET.....when everything seem go on smoothly..there must be stg badly going to happened.......and it is true!!! news come out saying boys and gals are not allowed to stay together and we gotta search for a new house!!!!!!! Holy SHit......at the peak season rite now where m i going to search for new house in such a short time??!!! Goshhhhhhh....Re@lly make me 'biG heAd'...anyway..we gotta accept it and again start our operation Searching House.....(the middle procedure i'm not goin to mention anymore as it'll be as long as a nove l then xD)
anyway i just dununderstand y some ppl they really.....duno how to describe but kinda scared things or "cannot say boh to a goose".. anything oso scared here scared there....haizzzz.....their life will never get any challenge if like this rite?? i duno but i definitely not this kind of person (and would never be....)be a good "poppet" might be a good things but sometime be bad is not a worse things oso wat..it depends on wat situation and how u should act.......
well i really no words to say...*speechless* anyway i still hope these ppl can be more mature and not just follow instruction like baby mummyboy/ gal......
Now i still not yet find a suitable house and hope i'll get to solve this problem asap....God Bless!!!
anyway i just dununderstand y some ppl they really.....duno how to describe but kinda scared things or "cannot say boh to a goose".. anything oso scared here scared there....haizzzz.....their life will never get any challenge if like this rite?? i duno but i definitely not this kind of person (and would never be....)be a good "poppet" might be a good things but sometime be bad is not a worse things oso wat..it depends on wat situation and how u should act.......
well i really no words to say...*speechless* anyway i still hope these ppl can be more mature and not just follow instruction like baby mummyboy/ gal......
Now i still not yet find a suitable house and hope i'll get to solve this problem asap....God Bless!!!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
House SearcHing~~p@rT 2- - -
toDay again we go se@rch ouR house since the name list edy come out.....well for those able to remain stay in hostel....is out of my surprise!! did theY act better than us?? what's the reason they hv chance to sTay??? UNFAIR..... anyway today we went to see a house around Tmn Midah there....."love at first sight" i finally can feel it..hahha....(act is towards the house)... is really a nice, big comfortable house for 8 of us to live insede.....honestly... i prefer to get 2 small house and live seperately to avoid any arguement happened during the period we stay together outside......... However, GOD not allowed it since we cnt get one...so we just accept it as a challenge, a test for us to be stay close, well with frens....
welll anyway just felt great to have house now..and a hundred thanks to aunty Susan for her kindness help us find the house........Thx very very much!!! btw....there is stg open my 'sight' today....... LOVE is BLIND!!!ppl can bcz of love accept things that they dont like...ok..well dun sarcas ppl here since i hvnt met my Mr Right...no more complaining....hehhhe.........
H@ppy, happy and happpY for getting a house..GOD blesss.......
welll anyway just felt great to have house now..and a hundred thanks to aunty Susan for her kindness help us find the house........Thx very very much!!! btw....there is stg open my 'sight' today....... LOVE is BLIND!!!ppl can bcz of love accept things that they dont like...ok..well dun sarcas ppl here since i hvnt met my Mr Right...no more complaining....hehhhe.........
H@ppy, happy and happpY for getting a house..GOD blesss.......
Monday, April 27, 2009
House RentiNg~~~
Finally it's my turn finding house outside.. I have been kicked out next sem from my hostel.........H@izzz......After go out search for the house oni i realise how much i love my lame hostel.....hahhha.....sobsog =.= anyway...if any of u noe any house to let/ rent around cheras, HUKM pls informed me!!! I roughly walk pass around tmn midah oso cnt search for a suitable ideal house........Goshhh... "Ideal house" smmore..think urself so rich o...ishhhhhhh!!!!
apartment or flat is actually fine for me yet they are too many of us to be inside!! smmore duno y hv such wired feeling that got guy stay v us make us a bit inconvenient..maybe only me..but... stil WIRED!! anyway I'll cope to it soon..hope so....just..........Where am I going to get a suitable house/ apartment for 8 of us with reasonable price???????????
HELp help help........and to those I mahuan a lot....sorry cz hvin a stupid frens like me who is totally a buta jln + transport.....i oni used public transport or Bus 11........=.=lll
anyway thx for those who help us include the aunty and taxi driver.....make me blive there is stil kindness in this world........hahhha....2 mrw action of finding house will go on again..Good luck...Gogogo...chiak you lo.........get a house soon!!!
apartment or flat is actually fine for me yet they are too many of us to be inside!! smmore duno y hv such wired feeling that got guy stay v us make us a bit inconvenient..maybe only me..but... stil WIRED!! anyway I'll cope to it soon..hope so....just..........Where am I going to get a suitable house/ apartment for 8 of us with reasonable price???????????
HELp help help........and to those I mahuan a lot....sorry cz hvin a stupid frens like me who is totally a buta jln + transport.....i oni used public transport or Bus 11........=.=lll
anyway thx for those who help us include the aunty and taxi driver.....make me blive there is stil kindness in this world........hahhha....2 mrw action of finding house will go on again..Good luck...Gogogo...chiak you lo.........get a house soon!!!
Friday, April 24, 2009
coMing b@cK~~
Hai....I'm back to write my blog after so long time disappear from here. Actually it's not I lazy to wrote blog buT.....hehhhe...I forget my blog's name, acc and avthing.....sOoo m@lu... buT nvm ..now I'm here again.... actually no idea wat to write here.... nothing to complain!!! how come my world suddenly bcm quiet......... yea.... loNg time nobody appear in my life xpecially recently so ntg special to feel....Well let's talk bout my past practicum.... errmm... one month of practicum and the successful thing i achieved was actually i able to ctrl all the little 'demons' in school..Hahha..looking back to my frenster's blogwhen i went for my very first SBE, things are totally different when i went for practicum....I seem cope to every problems that come to me!! HAhha..so Geng leh (thinck face =P) now my feeling towards the practicum.... one month i have been teaching and act as a primary school (although just a trainee) yet i din even have feeling to bcm a teacher yet....duno y..just dun feel like i like this job =.= how come??!! maybe there is other things in my soul that i prefer to do than a teacher gua.....x really sure bout it..... one month in school and the oni thing i learn is how to scold pupils..hahhhha...is true...all my frens say so....we r o hvin same feeling like our voice bcm louder and the techniques of scolding ppl.....so that's the fate of bcming a tcher i guess..........nevertheless i did enjoy the moment when pupils' appreciate ur teaching and that's kinda of feeling success!!!
Besides, the moment i like most in school is the time finish school...hahhha...i'll always be the first one to left, rushing back (is to avoid traffic jam actually =))...hehhhe... for me there is no pressure in teaching in school like what my lect used to say...I'm such a confident teacher............hahhhhaaa (Padan muka) and it might be true since my target is those little year 3 pupils...sure i can show off in front of them...Not a big deal...hohhhoooo...And plus stg...."Ponteng Queen" had a new title "Sleeping Queen" (well jz close to sleeping beauty, not a bad title i think) hahhha...i can even sleep not just in class during lesson in college but also in school's staff room....(PROUD@#) this is the behaviourof a GOOD teAcher....advice to those juniors or teaching coming soon........take thisas an example when u went to school.....Berkhidmat Utk Negara!!!! Bubye....gotta go SleeP agaiN.......wriTing bLOG oveR use my Br@in........hahhha.....C nexT tiMe!!!
proving of tcher sleep in staff room..what a suck!!!
Besides, the moment i like most in school is the time finish school...hahhha...i'll always be the first one to left, rushing back (is to avoid traffic jam actually =))...hehhhe... for me there is no pressure in teaching in school like what my lect used to say...I'm such a confident teacher............hahhhhaaa (Padan muka) and it might be true since my target is those little year 3 pupils...sure i can show off in front of them...Not a big deal...hohhhoooo...And plus stg...."Ponteng Queen" had a new title "Sleeping Queen" (well jz close to sleeping beauty, not a bad title i think) hahhha...i can even sleep not just in class during lesson in college but also in school's staff room....(PROUD@#) this is the behaviourof a GOOD teAcher....advice to those juniors or teaching coming soon........take thisas an example when u went to school.....Berkhidmat Utk Negara!!!! Bubye....gotta go SleeP agaiN.......wriTing bLOG oveR use my Br@in........hahhha.....C nexT tiMe!!!
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