Msia 2008 election hv come to an end yet......still hv lot prob hvnt settle....
did those higher sit ppl hv even think about what is the main reasons that causes prob in this time election??Did anyone reflects on what is happening on our country recently??
I think til now ppl still hvnt alert or wake up on that our country going to hv a big changes!!Jz like the time we hv affect by the Tsunami!Ppl kept saying or we hd study b4 that Msia will never hv any serious natural disaster like Earth quake etc...Yet the 2006 Tsunami and last year 100 years crtical Floods on Johor state prove that our earth is changing so that in this country!!Everything hv change now..Even the politics!! Think about it..Since when here also have protest like wat is normal happening in Indonesia?? Can anybody deny that Msia bcm worser from day to day? Or can anybody standout and explain what are the causes?? As a citizen i just hope things can be settle and we can back to our previous harmony days..But...Is it possible? Who can gv this Promises??
I am giving my opinion that those higher educated or higher position ppl should do their own reflection on what they had done on their own and to our country?!! It is not a suitable to jz blame the Malaysian or anyone that they think wrongly!!Should think that what is the reasons that causes the citizens think wrongly and start to felt unsatisfied to the government!!
I am not going to blame anybody or critiise who bt i hope those who study wont felt threaten as i m just giving my opinion as a Malaysian that wish to hv a better fiture on our country!!